Kim Konte, Founder of Non-Toxic Neighborhoods has been leading the charge transforming schools, playgrounds, parks, communities, golf courses, HOA's, utility right-aways, farms and ranches to non-toxic options for the past decade. What makes us so interested, beyond her global impact, is the playbooks and how-to's that her organization offers to support those hoping to reduce and eliminate toxic impacts.
Listen to our full conversation below to learn what drives her passion for soil healing, the impacts to-date and the breadth of collaborators now leveraging the collective movement of reduced toxins and soil healing.
Robin's full conversation with Kim Konte, Founder, Non-Toxic Neighborhoods
Kim discusses her observation of toxic chemicals used on ball fields, parks and playgrounds to delineate or create trails such as below. She is frequently contacted by parents with images like seen below and asked what to do to modify policies away from toxic substances.

Grocery now voicing concerns on pesticide use. "Friends Of Earth's 2024 Bee-Friendly Retailer Scorecard showed that major U.S. food retailers are increasingly aware of the part that pesticides play in biodiversity loss. Since 2018, 13 of the 25 retailers featured in the scorecard – Albertsons, ALDI, Costco, CVS, Dollar Tree, Giant Eagle, Kroger, Meijer, Rite Aid, Southeastern Grocers, Target, Walmart and Whole Foods – have implemented policies to reduce toxic pesticides in their supply chains."

About Kim Konte: Non-Toxic Neighborhoods Founder
Founder of the national non-profit Non Toxic Neighborhoods, Director of Jane Goodall's Roots and Shoots, Board Member of the Herd Foundation, Certified in Organic Land Management, North American UN Committee Member for the Children's Right to a Healthy Environment Council.

In November 2015, Kim helped launch a campaign to raise awareness of the City of Irvine’s pesticide use, and worked with City staff to help the City of Irvine adopt a historic and award winning organic landscaping policy in February 2016. Since 2015 Kim has assisted over 200 municipalities, counties, and school districts to ban glyphosate and or take organic and regenerative policies online. Kim also worked to get the first ever statewide ban in New York. Kim and her team have proven that you can have beautiful parks, athletic fields, lawns and open space without the use of harmful and synthetic pesticides and inputs.
As Commissioner for the City of Irvine Kim received Irvine's Civic Leader Award in 2017 and it was added to the Wall of Recognition.
Jane Goodall's Roots & Shoots Global Project of the Month (May 2017)
Beyond Pesticides DragonFly Award in 2018 for protecting communities with health-protective policy adoption.
Awarded the 2021 Conservation Award by the American Society of Civil Engineers. "Congratulations to Kim Konte from the Herd Foundation for being awarded the 2021 wildfire grazing prevention project from the American Society of Civil Engineers." - Pelayo Alvarez, Ph.D. Director Audubon Conservation