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    Robin's Modified Purpose and Why

    Robin Richardson founded Global Food Collaborative, nearly 2 decades ago, confident in the belief that business members working together could realize a stronger supply chain and have greater influence on our food system. The GFC Community remains as intended, a organization supported and led directly by members. In Robin's own words, "The magic happens when our core values of integrity, authenticity, confidentiality, knowledge and commitment are transparent. Blending those values with a safe and secure environment to engage is where trust is earned and business collaborations multiply." The hallmark of Robin's reputation is her authentic belief in the business members ability to make the world a better place. Her commitment is unwavering.

    Robin offers a special affinity for small and medium-sized businesses, quite possibly because this is where her professional career began. She learned and thrived on the responsibility of her roles recognizing the diversity of skills necessary and the impact one could have on any one customer resulting in a direct influence on the bottom line. That changed when she moved into the world of multi-national corporations. Those experiences offered a view that continues to serve her well in understanding the food supply chain systems capacity, pace of adoption and influence.

    She draws from a palette of leadership roles in food manufacturing, logistics and trade, business education, business and organizational management and marketing . Never one to follow in others footsteps, Robin is on a constant quest to innovate within the guardrails of the basics of business - management, marketing, operations, finance and people resources. What she learns along the way is shared with member businesses in seeking out new and better business models.

    In her journey, Robin uses her rich and growing professional network spanning the world to benefit members. "I've been blessed to mentor with some of the worlds best at business, policy making and organizational management. It never ceases to amaze what can be learned from seeking out diverse voices and relationships."

    A familiar story of health challenges occurring in 2015 changed the course for Robin and, in turn GFC. She was confronted with several immediate family members under-going health issues including cancer, stroke and senility. In her role as care-giver, it became evident that while she had worked successfully for 10+ years connecting the food supply chain, that the basic construct of the food and who was driving the supply chain needed another look. Robin refocused .. connecting with with authors, practitioners, attending health events, reading, studying and learning more about root cause of disease. The solutions resonated with her, as these were much the same she was taught by her grandmother.

    Robin has a Masters in Global Supply Chain, a BBS in Business and a myriad of certificates and program completions related to international business, but her greatest passion is independently reading and researching - now with a focus on business best practices, disease and health policy. She was born and raised in Alaska where she worked in and around people and communities with abundant human and natural resources who were in constant motion to solve. Solve for distance, weather and geography. Solve for health, economic development, resilience and legacy. Her work with businesses is the natural continuation of being in a constant state of solving and evolving.

    Her purpose was well grounded in connecting the supply chain of food and becomes more rewarding as the community expands to welcome more solvers and stewards of our land, our waters and the health of ourselves and our communities.

    “As a company grows, its purpose grows with it. It has the potential to evolve your purpose.” – John Mackey, Founder Whole Foods Markets/Co-Author, Be The Solution

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