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    Organic Farmer: Bob Quinn

    Bob Quinn optimizes human health through his successful development of an ancient grain (Khorasan), using an organic methodology, marketed under the name Kamut™️. His life's journey is seeking out the science and speaking out about the growing process of food and its connection to human health. He shared his thoughts in a recent conversation.

    Bob is the co-author, along with Liz Carlile of "Grain By Grain: A quest to revive ancient wheat, rural jobs and healthy food". He has a Ph.D. in plant biochemistry from UC Davis, is the founder of Kamut™️ International (an organic wheat harvester/grower/seller), a sought-after speaker being recognized with countless awards for his service in the field of organics. He proudly refers to himself as a scientist, farmer and food producer.

    Robin Richardson and Bob Quinn - Summer 2022, Big Sandy, MT

    Last summer, the Northern Plains Resource Council offered a gathering at the Quinn family farm where Bob led a tour and participated in a discussion on soils and growing, including his emphasis on the health of the seed.

    Bob Quinn talks soil health to Northern Plains participants.

    These days you can find Bob at speaking engagements across the globe or at his home in Big Sandy, Montana reporting on his latest research of growing food in his "greenhouse in the snow", his healing orchard or his on farm, dry land vegetable lab. Follow his journey on his Instagram account here.

    An inspiring book of an individual grounded in his beliefs of demonstrating contribution to his family, community, country and citizens around the world.

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